We're American Muslims who came to Islam from other faiths. We are happy to serve Allah and share Islam - without cultural, traditional or nationalistic prejudices and corruption.
We love the true and pure Islam the message it teaches:
Peace; Submission; Surrender and Obedience to Almighty God. (Allah) Hundreds of new Muslims came to Islam after watching our videos and hearing our audios, CDs and DVDs - and our TV shows broadcasting around the world, since beginning this project a few years ago. Many brothers and sisters share the efforts, work and expenses to benefit all of us.
General Overview - Share Islam Open to All Faiths - in Simple English Terms
Free Qurans - Free Books - Tapes - CDs - DVDs
TV - Radio Shows - Broadcasts - Prerecorded & Live - 24 Hours Day
Videos - Audios - Books - Downloads
Chatrooms - Auditorium Lectures Online
Internet Broadcasting While Traveling to Share the Message
Teaching Basics of Islam to Non-Muslims - New Muslims - Youth
Our Projects - Free Qurans - Websites - TV - Radio - CDs - Tapes
FREE QURAN Project - 1,000s Mailed Out & Downloaded
TV Broadcasts - Several Stations & Internet - 24 Hours Daily
Radio Broadcasting - 100's of programs available - Any Time
FREE CDs DVDs - On the Internet - Regularly - Downloads
FREE Qurans Books - Pamphlets - Brochures - Booklets - Dawah
Info Service - Mailouts & Online Downloads
Videos & Audios - Download or "On Demand"
Chat Rooms - Monitored Private & Open Chatrooms
Many Websites - Attractive - Interactive Sites Open 24 Hrs. A Day